Time for some of my randomness to come full circle and be placed on front street! Taking the focus from the norm of my music posts. Before I begin, I am a Baptist -- I love no one deeper than I love God. I'm not always as faithful a servant to God's word as I should be. The human in me falters on a daily basis. I don't throw stones at those whose beliefs are far to the left of my own. If you believe that there is a higher calling on our lives than is way more than we can control, we can be cool.
So I'm sailing on a high right now. My very intelligent son, who skipped a grade early in his elementary years recently completed high school and was acknowledged in church today. He received a scholarship and was crowned the 2009 King of the Second Baptist Church Scholarship Committee based on the funds that were raised in his honor. His counterpart, The Queen is also a 16-year old scholar! So, our future leaders have been set on a path to greatness and I can speak for me -- I expect no shortcomings from this one here!
On another note -- I was a bit agitated around 4:30 this morning. My neighbors, who really do not know the meaning of hospitality and courtesy for those living beneath them returned home from an apparent family outing. I had to hear them walk up the stairs, put the children to bed, flush the toilet a few times -- and then the ultimate atrocity -- the creaking and squeaking of the bed! I didn't have the energy to get out of bed for my iPod -- which I typically keep near me because their three small children rise routinely at 7:30
EVERY morning! So, at this point I'm wide awake and watching the clock (just wrong, right?! >) Ten minutes passed and there was silence. Okay, some quiet and I started to drift back into slumber and before you know it the bed post was hitting the wall. Enrique had gone IN!
Now, my mind is wandering. What were they doing in the context of the silent moments? Who was doing whom? (Oh Lord, was I 'not' in church -- seeking salvation a few short hours ago?!) Then I got annoyed -- but, honestly I was annoyed because Alex was getting hers and I wasn't! Look here! God knows my heart better than I'm sure I do. HE knows that I'm tired of being by my lonesome and that I long for companionship. I've already cracked the seal of living as I move into my fourth decade.
I thank my Pastor for praying for the single women in the congregation today -- those of us who don't want to repeat the cycles that our mothers, aunties, grandmothers endured. Hell, my mother's praying for both, me and my sister in that regard.
Just some things I was tripping over today.
Pray for me ya'll :)