Timecheck: 1/27/09 approx 1:30am
Status: Sifting my head for thoughts & chat~laughing with CarlBoogie on FB
It's well after the bewitching hour and I need to get to bed for at least a couple of hours of sleep before heading into the "Twilight Zone" (my 9-to-5) but these past few weeks were filled with so many treasures, ranging from musical gems to historical wonders -- that I have to put this down in black and white before I let another day go by.
I will forever reflect and bring forth a hearty deep rooted smile. On Sunday, January 18th my favorite soulful band, MINT CONDITION returned to New York and I have only one regret. I am now somewhat physically challenged and cannot stand at the foot of the stage -- where I've been able to count the number of fillings a singer has up in their top row. So, I sat with my girls (Ann Marie and Pammie) and watched this sister next to me diss the essence of real music as she slept through most of the show. I guess I can say it openly now since Pam caught on last week -- Stokley is my first love, only he doesn't know it. (grin) I've seen many a musicians in my day, but there's just something funky about this brother -- maybe it's the wiggle and the glide he's perfected on stage or it could be those monster high notes he manages to unleash or it might even be the way he chews his gum or ties his scarf up under his hat (lol) -- whatever it is, the magic has had me hooked for years. The first time I met him, I kept asking the young lady I'd hung out with (Aisha) to pinch me. It was a dream that somehow materialized into a reality. And then, year before last -- I met him again. Utter delight!

Anyway, getting back to the show last week. I can't give you a play by playlist because I'm not good at that. I just know that the New Congress and Mint Condition rocked the packed house. From the new to the old to the even older, Mint Condition is a band with an eternal flame that seemingly will never fade. With songs like "Pretty Brown Eyes" "You Don't Have To Hurt No More" "Someone To Love" and "Someone To Love" -- you would have been satisfied but still yearning for the more recent gems if they'd left the stage right then and there. Fortunate for the captivated audience, there was much more to come -- in the form of "Gratitude" "Baby Boy, Baby Girl" (my son and I made the video cut! yaaay) "Nothing Left To Say" and an impromptu acoustic version of "If You Love Me" - a request from someone in the crowd.
That was Sunday, the start of a fabulous week -- fast forward to the wee hours of Tuesday morning, before the sun came up. I was on a bus with members of my church and community, headed to Washington, D.C. for the historic inauguration ceremony for our nation's first black President. The experience was unbelievable and I will always relish in the fact that I was there! I saw nothing and heard even less, but I shared that experience with my son and we enjoyed one another. We walked for miles trying to find the perfect spot to catch a glimpse of something -- anything, to no avail. We did, however come face to face with one of my all-time favorite football players, the former New York Jets running back, Curtis Martin. Curtis was walking past us when I'd called out to him and asked him if we could take a picture with him. Did I mention how cold it was in DC? How the wind felt like it was slicing a piece of skin from you every time it blew past you?! Curtis took the pictures with us and was so much more humble and gracious than I could have ever imagined.
May God shine his richest blessings upon President Obama and his beautiful family.
Wednesday evening -- up in Harlem, ONUTSS kicked off the 2009 season with two exceptionally gifted singers, Tim Dillinger and Monica Blaire. It was an explosive and moving night of performances. I always feel a sense of pride when artists come out to be part of what Pam and I have built. It's a tremendous honor and an overwhelming sense of pride takes me on as they get on stage and show the crowd just why they're there and let them know that their names are not to be forgotten. That night was one such night. Massive shout out and love to both Tim and Monica.
Friday evening -- down in the Village at Joe's Pub, Fiona Bloom put an event together that not only brought the spectacular soulful talent of Monica Blaire and Kameron Corvet, but the guests in the audience were amongst the underground soul movement's 'who's who' (names I won't list, but it was something) ! I'd heard about Kameron but hadn't been able to see him perform live until that evening and what an awakening I received! Kameron was just a man with his guitar -- but he made you feel as though he was performing a private event where just you and he were in the room. Wonderful! Nothing more needs to be said about Monica Blaire. She simply is...the truth and nothing but!
There was one other artist on the bill at Joe's Pub, Postman. I really didn't dig his music -- it wasn't for me. I felt bad for him because it appeared that I was not the only person to feel that way. His hip hop/song style was an awkward addition to the lineup. Overall I had a wonderful time and I hope the Bloom Effect will take heed of the reaction from the crowd and make an attempt to bring these two artists together again.
enjoyed this Trel :-) keep writing sis!!! much love to ya mama!!!
Obama is a great president. His presence is impacting grants like no other president prior. Grant funding for minorities and middle class have increased nearly 10,000% in the past week. Read more about it at my blog http://search-grants.blogspot.com
Grant Money Search
Largest Grant Amounts in History!
SO HAPPY IT'S FINALLY UP! Now the key is, to be on point and deliver them on a weekly basis. Guess who will be on your tail?:D
Loved it!
Thanks so much for the comments -- Tiff, thanks for the encouragement and Lady Ann, keep fire at my backside -- I'll stay on my game a bit better that way!
I am not quite sure how I found your blog but I had to comment on Kameron Corvet. I saw him for the first time recently in Atlanta and he gives a great show. Just a man and his guitar.
I was pleasantly surprised as well. Will definately add him to my playlist.
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